Texas Instruments Ti-84 Plus Ce Graphing Calculator, Black

Real and complex numbers calculated to 14-digit accuracy and displayed with 10 digits plus a 2-digit exponent. Graphs 10 rectangular functions, 6 parametric expressions, 6 polar expressions and 3 recursively defined sequences.

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5 Reviews For This Product

  1. 05

    by Amanda

    I purchased two of these for my two teenage sons preparing to take the ACT! They have not had a chance to use them yet, but I expect good things!!!

  2. 05

    by Dawn

    Got this calculator for my statistics class and it helped a lot! It says that you can also use it for algebra classes, science classes, and much more. Plus, it came with a charger so no batteries are required.

  3. 05

    by Glenn

    Fantastic calculator. I had the TI-99 but it was actually too complicated. This is one step down but added color. The multiple colors on the graphs helps considerably. I am an adjunct professor at a local University and use it for both my Modeling Algebra and Pre-Calculus courses.

  4. 05

    by Shon

    My son who is a math teacher requested this calculator for Christmas

  5. 05

    by Andiandi

    LOVE this calculator! Perfect for Algebra 2, Algebra 3, College Algebra, PreCalculus, Statistics, Calculus, Discrete Math and more!

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