NordicTrack EXP 7i Treadmill – DICK’S Sporting Goods

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In economics, a good is something that is good. Goods are valued by their users (consumers) because they provide welfare (or utility). Economics focuses on the study of economic goods, or goods that are scarce; in other words, producing the good requires expending effort or resources. Economic goods contrast with free goods such as air, for which there is an unlimited supply.

A consumer good or "final good" is any item that is ultimately consumed, rather than used in the production of another good. For example, a microwave oven or a bicycle that is sold to a consumer is a final good or consumer good, but the components that are sold to be used in those goods are intermediate goods. For example, textiles or transistors can be used to make some further goods.

Commercial goods are construed as tangible products that are manufactured and then made available for supply to be used in an industry of commerce. Commercial goods could be tractors, commercial vehicles, mobile structures, airplanes, and even roofing materials. Commercial and personal goods as categories are very broad and cover almost everything a person sees from the time they wake up in their home, on their commute to work to their arrival at the workplace.

Commodities may be used as a synonym for economic goods but often refer to marketable raw materials and primary products.

Although common goods are tangible, certain classes of goods, such as information, only take intangible forms. For example, among other goods an apple is a tangible object, while news belongs to an intangible class of goods and can be perceived only by means of an instrument such as printers or television.

NordicTrack is an American company that manufactures treadmills, strength training equipment, ellipticals, exercise bikes, and accessories. It is best known for its Nordic ski machines, low-impact exercisers, ellipticals, and incline trainers. NordicTrack is owned and managed by iFIT Health & Fitness Inc. and is headquartered in Logan, Utah. The company has been manufacturing exercise equipment since 1975.

S, or for lowercase, s, is the nineteenth letter of the Latin alphabet, used in the English alphabet, the alphabets of other western European languages and other latin alphabets worldwide. Its name in English is ess (pronounced ), plural esses.

Sporting may refer to:

  • Sport, recreational games and play
  • Sporting (neighborhood), in Alexandria, Egypt

A treadmill is a device generally used for walking, running, or climbing while staying in the same place. Treadmills were introduced before the development of powered machines to harness the power of animals or humans to do work, often a type of mill operated by a person or animal treading the steps of a treadwheel to grind grain. In later times, treadmills were used as punishment devices for people sentenced to hard labour in prisons. The terms treadmill and treadwheel were used interchangeably for the power and punishment mechanisms.

More recently, treadmills have instead been used as exercise machines for running or walking in one place. Rather than the user powering a mill, the device provides a moving platform with a wide conveyor belt driven by an electric motor or a flywheel. The belt moves to the rear, requiring the user to walk or run at a speed matching the belt. The rate at which the belt moves is the rate of walking or running. Thus, the speed of running may be controlled and measured. The more expensive, heavy-duty versions are motor-driven (usually by an electric motor). The simpler, lighter, and less expensive versions passively resist the motion, moving only when walkers push the belt with their feet. The latter are known as manual treadmills.

Treadmills continue to be the biggest-selling exercise equipment category by a large margin. As a result, the treadmill industry has hundreds of manufacturers throughout the world.

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6 Reviews For This Product

  1. 06

    by Pittsburgh

    Bought this treadmill at a good price and paid for delivery with install, well worth it. I turn treadmill off everytime as per manufacturer instructions and takes 1-2 minutes to boot up. Really like the iFit programs, if you have good internet should not be a problem to connect. Simple display, incline on left 0-12 and speed on right 1-12. Transitions nicely not too loud. >>>My only Complaint and reason for 4 stars is now at times with incline change it makes a loud crack sound, like something out of place or settling- not sure what it is, everything still works fine. And this does not happen all time. And I am not clear on how to adjust the right sided belt cushion soft/firm. Directions just say do same thing on right side BUT is this mirrored or in same direction, not clear. Had machine for about 2 months and highly recommend for cost and design of machine.

  2. 06

    by ShelShels

    I’m very happy with purchasing this treadmill! It’s way bigger than I expected it to be. It was a little hard to put together because some of the screws were too big for some holes but I just switched the different sized screws around and it turned out fine. Also some holes to put the machine together like the arms weren’t needed so I had extra screws left. So anyone buying this machine just switch the screws around because the instructions kinda messed up. Other than that it works amazing! I recommend it! I’ve had no issues after putting it together!

  3. 06

    by Mulberry

    Well built treadmill and the iFit video makes it amazing
    I bought this treadmill today and am very pleased. First, it weighs a ton, or 222 pounds to be exact so it’s a little tricky getting it in the house. Secondly, it’s much more disassembled than I was expecting and took much of the afternoon to put it together.

    But, it feels very sturdy unlike many treadmills and the 3HP motor is smooth. Although the screen is small (7″), it’s basically a built in Android tablet and works well. I was amazed at hour immersive the running experience is with large speakers, fan blowing air and with iFit, a trainer running with you in a beautiful spot in the world and encouraging you.

    In short, this treadmill is a good mix of quality without breaking the bank.

  4. 06

    by Zerr

    We have had this for about a month. My husband had it together in 2.5 hours. Fits perfectly in our bedroom and can fold for storage. My husband is around 265lbs and has had no issues with use. The iFit programs are awesome and a year is included free with purchase. I’m really pleased and this will be a lifesaver due to limited accessibility to the gym right now.

  5. 06

    by Billy

    Bought yesterday. Weighs about 300lbs so bring/plan help for getting into the house. Assembly took about 2 1/2 hours and my husband is pretty good at putting things together. Once out together though it’s sturdy, no shake or too much bounce when running. Not silent, but pretty quiet. The year membership of IFit is amazing, since that alone has a $16.99 a month savings. The fan is nice, it’s not very powerful, but enough to move the air a bit. The warranty from manufacturer is good enough to not need the one from Dicks in addition.

  6. 06

    by Muffin

    After reading reviews of everyone taking 2 hours to put together, I paid to have the EXP 7i delivered and set up .(Well worth the extra money.) They went over all the features and off I went jogging! Love the sturdiness of The NordicTrack treadmill……..great product, go out and get yours today!

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